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To many, a full head of hair represents attractiveness and desirability both personally and professionally. The facts are that approximately 50 million men and approximately 30 million women suffer from male/female pattern baldness or thinning hair. Many potential patients shy-away from (or are not candidates for) the traditional “strip method” of hair replacement because of the slow recovery time, the loss of feeling at the incision site, the tiny linear scar on the back of the head, or the amount of post-operative pain involved. Hair Restoration should be unnoticeable to all but those you tell.
Dahiya Facial Plastic Surgery in Rockville, MD is excited to announce our newest offering, NeoGraft, which introduces the “state-of-the-art” solution for hair loss. This game-changing technology automates the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) method to give patients more natural looking results with minimal downtime, no linear scaring and no stitches.
Topical & Oral Medication Options
Minoxidil was first approved in 1988 to treat androgenetic alopecia (male pattern hair loss). The drug was originally prescribed in oral form to treat high blood pressure. After noticing unexpected hair growth in patients, the drug was trialed topically to treat hair loss. When these FDA trials proved successful, the drug was approved by the FDA for this use.
Using Minoxidil can put a stop to hair loss from male pattern baldness once it has started, and it may even stimulate new hair growth. It works best when started as soon as hair thinning is noticed and must be used continuously to maintain the results. Results in men are further enhanced when Minoxidil is used with an oral prescription medication called Propecia.
Minoxidil is the only drug which is FDA-approved to treat female pattern baldness. It may prolong the growth phase of the hair follicle to slow down or stop hair loss; and up to a quarter of women using Minoxidil actually experience new hair growth. Its results in women are further enhanced with the use of the oral medication Sprinololactone.
FUE Hair Transplantation
FUE HAIR TRANSPLANTATION Over the last several decades, the single greatest advancement in hair restoration surgery is the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) technique. Prior to the FUE technique, the traditional way to transplant hair was harvesting a long strip of hair from the back of the scalp or temples, cutting individual groupings of hair by a team of hair technicians, and implanting them into the scalp.
We offer the NeoGraft FUE system in our office. It eliminates the need to cut a long strip of scalp hair and allows us to individually harvest one or more hair follicles directly from the back of the scalp and, almost immediately, transplant them back into the hair deficient scalp. It avoids long, painful, wide scars in the back or sides of the scalp, which results in a faster recovery and less discomfort after the procedure. In addition, there is no linear scaring with the NeoGraft FUE technique.
Expectations and goals with any treatment or procedure are important to review during a private consultation. The most important concept to accept about hair loss is that the original density and number of hairs in the scalp will not be replaced. The goal and expectation of hair transplantation is to create the illusion of increased hair density on the scalp and to build self-confidence and self-esteem for the individual with hair loss.